no additive thirst quenching beverage
in a floating thought cube with warriors ' sparring ', you can hear this question being asked: ' does anyone care? ', followed by this answer: ' really? with all those functions, if there are dozens of controls, then is minimization is a must? 'this answer resulted in this response: ' lack of awareness of these dozen ' controls ' you say, is the conclusion that might reach your variant of intellect. '
there might have been a short talk of what could be done with the message transmitter.
for some odd reason, the ' sparring ' ceased. a frequency sync request buzzed in to the ' warriors ' asking if they would ' surrender the controls ' and send documentation about how to use them.
this request allegedly caused the warriors to continue sparring, though a frequency match was observed and documentation ( with disclaimers ) reached the other ' think bubble '.
some voice commands were mentioned, though their usage contained disclaimers in the conversation. the sparring eventially stopped.
one warrior walked in a ' zig zag ' pattern in attempt to communicate with the documentation.
' alright, a template was composed at some point, someone declares. '
this warrior was temporarily ignored. surrendering ' the controls ' was denied for now. there was a brief discussion of a possible control design meeting set for a future theororhetorically possible instance.