the pencil most likely over sharpened and shorter than normal is located at a table. there is an expression followed by a sigh. in a catalyst of content feeling, probably resulting from the overwhelming promise of better odds concerning writing due to all those pencils. there is a theory that a grasp yields another pencil sharpened with a utility knife until the pencil is sharp again ( possibly to the point the the pencil is now a stub ). you can imagine how such a theory would develop. to anyone concerned, at the moment, according to the author, this pencil ( at least temporarily ) is the writer's block.
with another adjustment of posture, what was perhaps is a bit fluent and pronounced. that simple act and posture change was intense. the feeling could have been due to bottled rage. you see, unused pencils lacked the ability to amuse in this instance.
after a long exhale, swept shreds of pencil shavings in a container, and complete dismissal of certain memories, at least for now, is a conclusion somewhat unsettling. there is still no idea whether writer's block can be solved in this manner. the belief that there was a moment of peace and perhaps to some a temporary relief from a truly annoying issue could become a reality.

copyright ( c ) one thousand five plus one thousand one plus one - present; william theodore b( ' ' )oisa / pha( 'e' )m ( ? ) 0 ? ( = , ! = ) di(y)th(a)er [ di(y)th ( ? ) 0 ? ( = , ! = ) ] [ ' ' ] # ... .......
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